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Friday, October 14, 2005

Aliens Re-emerge

Russian media outlets have recently covered a story about yet another mystery of the ancient period of human civilization, when archaeologists discovered plates with drawings in South America. The plates or the so-called Iki stones are about 70 million years old. The drawings show people with disproportionately large heads. There are skulls of the same shape in the local museums. But archeologists find the elongated skulls in Russia too, in the North Caucasus. The Pyatigorsk museum of regional studies has them on display. Do those skulls have anything in common? And who started "the fashion?"
A hole in the crown of the head
"The Pyatigorsk skull was found at the excavation site of the Khasaot burial ground in the vicinity of Kislovodsk," says Doctor of Historical Sciences Vladimir Kuznetsov, the author of numerous studies of history of the North Caucasus. "The skull is part of culture of the ancient Alani. Approximately, it dates back to the 3rd – 5th centuries A.D. These strange skulls appeared at the same time when the Sarmatian and Alani hordes came around. Some of the nomads moved for the North Caucasus in 15th century."
"Researchers have repeatedly proved that the skulls had been deformed on purpose," says Mr. Kuznetsov. "Ropes or special blocks were tied tightly round the heads of infants, over the temples. The custom went out of fashion by 17th century. The reason behind the deformation phenomenon is still unknown. It is hard to say whether the methods worked effectively or not since nobody ever conducted scientific experiments regarding the binding of the infants' heads.
But "aliens" are not likely to be involved in this case," says the researcher.
Still, it is very strange that the deformed skulls are found in European countries including Norway and France. They are also found in Central Asia, in Central and South America. Taking into account huge distances and oceans separating different nations, how could people pass around the weird fashion?
"The skull exhibited here used to belong to a young woman in her twenties," says senior researcher of the Pyatigorsk museum of regional studies Mikhail Semendyaev. "Its volume is quite regular, about 1.5 liters. By the way, archeologists normally find 2-3 deformed skulls like this one in every hundred of skulls discovered during the excavation," adds Mr. Semendyaev.
Specialists have no explanation for a particular feature of the elongated skulls. If you take a closer look at the skull, you will see a tiny hole on the crown. The edges of the hole are extremely neat and even. Only elongated skulls have tidy holes. Could it be that the holes were used for picking information from space or from the egg-headed colleagues scattered around the world?
They wanted to look like aliens
"I did research on one of those skulls found near the town of Chihuahua in Mexico in the 1930s," says the well-known archeologist Lloyd Pye, the author of the book "Everything You Know is Wrong." When the appearance of the "owner" was restored using Professor Gerasimov’s method, it became obvious that the guy resembled aliens the way they are portrayed by eyewitnesses. I ran a DNA test of his bones in two laboratories. His DNA links in some sections differed from the human ones. The skull should have contained around 2 liter of brain. The skull of present-day man can hold only 1.5 liters of brain," says Mr. Pye.
"Some specimens indicate that the "fashion" for elongated skulls is al least 20 thousand years old. It could have originated earlier on. I can not tell you exactly when. I can only assume that ancient people wanted to imitate somebody else. Maybe they wanted to look like those beings who were more perfect in terms of evolution. They could also imitate the aliens whose skulls probably had different dimensions," says Mr. Pye.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Woman is the Form of All Things

Woman is the creator of the universe,
the universe is her form;
woman is the foundation of the world,
she is the true form of the body.
Whatever form she takes,
whether the form of a man or a woman,
is the superior form.
In woman is the form of all things,
of all that lives and moves in the world.
There is no jewel rarer than a woman,
no condition superior to that of a woman.
There is not, nor has been, nor will be
any destiny to equal that of a woman;
there is no kingdom, no wealth,
to be compared with a woman
there is not, nor has been, nor will be
any holy place like unto a woman.
There is no prayer to equal a woman.
There is not, nor has been, nor will be
any yoga to compare with a woman,
no mystical formula nor asceticism
to match a woman.
There are not, nor have been, nor will be
any riches more valuable than woman.
Saktisangama Tantra

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Green Tara Empowerment

The story of Tara's origin, according to the Tara Tantra, recounts that aeons ago she was born as a king's daughter. A spiritual and compassionate princess, she regularly gave offerings and prayers to the ordained monks and nuns. She thus developed great merit, and the monks told her that, because of her spiritual attainments, they would pray that she be reborn as a man and spread Buddhist teachings. She responded that there was no male and no female, that nothing existed in reality, and that she wished to remain in female form to serve other beings until everyone reached enlightenment, hence implying the shortfall in the monk's knowledge in presuming only male preachers for the Buddhist religion. Thus Tara might be considered one of the earliest feminists. Green Tara is Tara's most dynamic manifestation. Her color symbolizes youthful vigor and activity. The Buddhist Lord of karma (action), Amoghasiddhi, is also associated with the green color, thus signifying that they belong to the same family. This is a further affirmation of the perception that Green Tara is a goddess of action.

New Moon and Solar Eclipse Power

Monday October 3 brings double the cosmic power. The New Moon and Solar Eclipse both occur on the same day this month, giving extra power to move out old situations and move toward your destiny. This eclipse takes place near the South Node which is about attachments and clinging to the past. As painful as it can be to move forward, if that's what you gotta do, that's what you gotta do. Try to be honest with yourself and let out the emotions you need to release in order to head towards your proper and right destiny. The South Node is also about what we cling to, which stops us from going towards where we need to be. This eclipse in the relationship-oriented sign of Libra is the start of a new love cycle, ending one which started in 1986 (the last time that an eclipse took place at 10 degrees of Libra). The eclipse season lasts until the Full Moon on October 17

Friday, September 30, 2005

The Goddess Remerges

The life-sized marble statues of Athena and Hera, Greek goddesses have emerged during excavations of a 5,000-year-old town on the island of Crete, date to between the second and fourth centuries Standing six feet high with their bases, the works were discovered Tuesday by a team of Italian and Greek archaeologists excavating the ruined theater of Gortyn, about 27 miles south of Iraklion in central Crete. The goddesses were toppled from their plinths by a powerful earthquake around A.D. 367 that destroyed the theater and much of the town. A sign of the times?

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Perseid Star Power

The Perseid Meteor Show begins tonite. Make wishes on hundreds of beautiful shooting stars. The Perseids appear in the region of the constellation Perseus, from the ancient Greek word “Perseids” meaning daughters of Perseus. The meteors are called Perseids because they appear to shoot away from the constellation Perseus, a hero of Greek myth. Because the Perseids usually make their display around August 10, which the Roman Catholic Church recognizes as the feast of Saint Lawrence, they have been referred to as the fiery “tears” of Saint Lawrence.

The Perseids are expected to reach their maximum on Friday, August 12 and again early morning Saturday. The new crescent moon will allow for clear viewing, there will be about 5 hours of dark, moonless skies. While typically there is one meteor every minute, sometimes you can see several Perseids streak across the sky all at once. The key is to not "watch" for the shooting stars, but to let them surprise you out of the corner of your eyes. Like most things in life, they show up when you least expect it. May all of your wishes and dreams come true.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Wise Woman Susun Weed

Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way: Alternative Approaches for Women 30 - 90 by Susun Weed is The best book on menopause ever. Look no further. Susun's book is packed with " information and remedies for problems with premenopause -- flooding, erratic periods,, spotting, water retention, -- as well as menopause -- hot flashes, sleeplessness, mood swings, headaches, palpitations, anxiety, depression, fatigue, and post-menopausal concerns. Wise Grandmother Growth guides through her own menopause metamorphosis. Ritual interludes interweaves a spiritual dimension often lacking in other works." It includes superb resource lists for menopause information, herbal medicines, (including nettles, ginseng, dong quai, red clover, oatstraw, and motherwort), recipes for heart- and bone-healthy dishes" as quoted from The Wise Woman website www.susunweed.com/. Susun Weed is the founder of The Wise Woman Center in Woodstock, New York and prolific author of women's health books, is the voice of the Wise Woman tradition. Her goal is to help women rediscover these ancient Wise Woman ways, passed down through countless generations. After extensive personal research and experience, this is the only way to go. I am sailing through menopause thanks to Susun's wise words of wisdom. She is a modern feminine icon.

Dark Side of the Moon

The archetype of the Dark Goddess is associated with the dark phase of any cyclical process in nature. She appears when we experience deep change, loss, and transformation. For this reason, women can see her face during menstruation. If a woman connects with this dark energy, she will be in her power, she will feel strong, assertive, psychic, creative, free.

The dark moon conceals the secret activity of the Dark Goddess, whose power lies in her wise blood. We can honor the Dark Goddess within by channelling our monthly menstrual energy, which remains with us continually, even after menopause. The blood of the Dark Goddess flows through the feminine body carrying power, spiritual illumination, psychic sensitivity, sexual ecstacy, healing, regeneration and transformation. The Dark Goddess is the key to expanded awareness. The darkness of the moon's cycle veils her great mystery, that of renewal and rebirth.

Friday, July 29, 2005

WHO Says So

"The World Health Organization (WHO) has concluded that hormone replacement therapy, taken by millions of women around the world, causes cancer, but said that does not mean women should automatically stop taking the treatment.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer declared that, based on consistent evidence emerging from studies over the last few years, it has reclassified hormonal menopause therapy from "possibly carcinogenic to humans," to "carcinogenic to humans." Studies have convincingly shown that the treatment slightly increases the risk of breast and endometrial cancers, the agency determined. It also concluded that the combined contraceptive pill causes more types of cancer than previously thought".

Article excerpt from BBC News

The Womanly Arts

"As a woman, pleasure is your birthright."
----- Mama Gena

The Queen of Womanly Arts is Mama Gena. She is a modern day Goddess. Mama teaches women how to use the power of pleasure to have your way with the world. Do what you love and everything will follow. She encourages us to follow one simple principle: self-indulgence is the key to self-empowerment.

Here are some Womanly Arts highlights to keep your happiness alive, strong and glowing: Give yourself pleasure everyday, Honor your body with rituals, Brag about yourself, Don't compromise, Invest in yourself, Keep a desire list, Give thanks for all you have.